A collection of seven SCORM packages you can upload into your LMS to help your team members immediately

Our content partners at Vado have given us a collection of seven SCORM courses to share with dominKnow clients for free to help your organization with this transition.


In addition to a course specifically on COVID-19, there are courses to help your team with the new working challenges they probably face. Here are the titles:

The courses were all made in dominKnow | ONE’s Flow authoring option, so they’re fully responsive (which is great when so many people are working from home, using any screen that’s available.)

We can provide them to you as published SCORM packages which you can immediately upload into your LMS. The courses are free to use for a year for dominKnow clients with no restrictions on the number of employees who take them.

Interested in these SCORM courses?

Send an email to sales@dominknow.com

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